Kairos Inside Specific Downloads
Memorandum of UnderstandingApplication to Attend Kairos (For Chaplain's Use Only)
Clergy Questionnaire
Chaplain's Guide to Kairos Inside
Core Team Job Descriptions
Core Team Purpose and Utilization
Guidelines for Minimum Security Facilities
Kairos Inside EZRA Devotional
Kairos Inside Resident Community Council Handbook
Kairos Inside Talk Preview Sheets
Kairos Inside Team Formation and Weekend Review Form
Kairos Monthly Reunion Certificates
Kairos Inside Brochure (PDF Version) or (Doc File)
Prayer Card Reminder
Prayer Card Reminder Instructions
Prayer and Share Certificates
Remembering Tamms
Resident Participant Application
Retreat Certificates
The Science Behind Kairos Impact upon Behavior
The Science Behind Kairos Impact upon Behavior Summary
Spanish Kairos Inside Brochure (PDF Version) or (Doc File)
Team Application
Using Kairos Bibles and Discussion Guides to Enhance Kairos Inside Continuing Ministry
Weekend Graduation Certificate
Kairos Outside Documents for Kairos Inside Closings
Sample Cover Letter to Institutional LiaisonsKairos Outside Closing Presentation to be given by Kairos Outside Representative
Kairos Outside Presentation given by Kairos Inside & Kairos Torch Volunteers
(Use at Prayer and Share, Reunions & Retreats)
"Cookies" and "The Ultimate Gift" Articles
Sample Letter from Kairos Inside Resident to Kairos Outside Guests
Sample Letter from Kairos Inside Resident to Kairos Outside Guests - Spanish
How to Send Someone to Kairos Outside - Adult Version
Guest Reservation Form from Resident
Guest Reservation Form from Resident - Spanish
KO PO Boxes
Kairos Outside Brochure
Training Tools
Anonymous Servanthood - Kairos InsideA Walk Through the Kairos Inside Program Manual
Better Together - Understanding How Kairos Inside, Kairos Outside
and Kairos Torch Work Together
What is Better Together? (With Testimony)
Confidentiality (Video)
The Roots of Kairos (Video)
Group Dynamics (Video)
How to Conduct the Family Prayer Circle (Video)
How to Get a Guest to Kairos Outside - Life of a Guest Reservation Form (Video)
The Importance of Forgiveness (Video)
Jacob Moment (Video)
Kairos Inside Continuing Ministry Video
Kairos Inside Prayer and Share Facilitator Guide
Kairos Inside Prayer and Share Host Guide
Kairos Symbols (Video)
Kairos Mission (Video)
Kairos Vision (Video)
Kairos Statement of Faith (Video)
Kairos Core Values (Video)
PREA (Video)
Roots of Kairos (Video)
Use of Legal Music in Kairos Programs
Why Kairos Volunteers Shouldn't Advocate
Four Encounters and Group Dynamics
Encountering Kairos - Inclusion (Video)Encountering Self - Power of Control (Video)
Encountering Jesus - Affection (Video)
Encountering Others - Effectiveness (Video)
Testimonial Videos
A Kairos Weekend at Branchville Correctional FacilityKairos Inside for Women: Finding God's Love Behind Prison Walls
Paul Gray
Kairos Changes Lives: Tommy Fisher
The Cookie Video (The Power of Forgiveness Cookies)
EZRA Tutorials (for Weekend Leaders)
How to Use EZRA TutorialsWorkshop PowerPoints from Annual Conferences
Group Dynamics
Impactful Team Meetings
The Role of Clergy in Kairos
1 or 2-Day Retreat Talk Outlines (by theme)
Crucial Conversations -Talk #1 - What is a Crucial Conversation?
Talk #2 - Crucial Conversations that Begin with the Heart
Talk #3 - Silence or Control
Talk #4 - Making it Safe to Have a Conversation
Talk #5 - Crucial Conversation with Someone You No Longer Trust
Talk #6 - Cannot Talk About Tough Issues
Talk #7 - Jesus' Crucial Conversation with Peter
Practical Christian Encouragement Themed Talks -
Talk #1 - Strive to Live in the Truth
Talk #2 - Loving is Better than Hurting
Talk #3 - Seek Christian Fellowship
Talk #4 - Love the Samaritan
Talk #5 - Destroying Hatred
Talk #6 - Carry the Christ-Light
Talk #7 - Pray Every Day
Talk #8 - What Would Jesus Do?
Kairos Weekend Talk Themed (Choices) -
Talk #1 - A general introductory talk by the Retreat Leader
Talk #2 - Before setting goals, you must know...
Talk #3 - Making decisions/Making choices
Talk #4 - Losses/sacrifices embraced when we make choices
Talk #5 - Commitment
Talk #6 - Long term goals
Talk #7 - Short term goals and how they may interfere with long term goals
Talk #8 - You're In or You're Out
Scripture Based Theme (1 Corinthians 13:4-7) -
Talk #1 - God is love
Talk #2 - Love is patient
Talk #3 - Love is kind
Talk #4 - Love does not envy
Talk #5 - Love does not boast
Talk #6 - Love is not proud - it is not selfish
Talk #7 - Love is not easily angered
Talk #8 - ...The greatest of these is Love
Other scriptures that could be adopted (Matthew 5, Galatians 5:22-23, etc.)
The Lord's Prayer Themed -
Talk #1 - Our Father in heaven
Talk #2 - Hallowed be thy name
Talk #3 - Thy kingdom come
Talk #4 - Thy will be done
Talk #5 - Give us this day, our daily bread
Talk #6 - Forgive us our debts
Talk #7 - As we forgive those in debt to us
Talk #8 - Save us from the power of evil
Retreat Based on the Prayer of Jabez
Prayer of Jabaz - Introduction (Video)
Talk #1 - What does prayer mean in your life? (PDF)
Talk #1 - What does prayer mean in your life? (Video)
Talk #2 - What's in a name? (PDF)
Talk #2 - What's in a name? (Video)
Talk #3 - Oh that you would bless me indeed (PDF)
Talk #3 - Oh that you would bless me indeed (Video)
Talk #4 - That you would enlarge my territory (PDF)
Talk #4 - That you would enlarge my territory (Video)
Talk #5 - That your hand would be with me (PDF)
Talk #5 - That your hand would be with me (Video)
Talk #6 - That you would keep me from evil (PDF)
Talk #6 - That you would keep me from evil (Video)
Talk #7 - That I may not cause pain (PDF)
Talk #7 - That I may not cause pain (Video)
Prayer of Jabez - Closing Talk (Video)
Retreat Based on Impacting Your Family
Talk #1 - God loves you
Talk #2 - Roles of a Godly Man
Talk #3 - What is the best way for a man to help his family or other people?
Talk #4 - Fathering from the Inside or Mentoring
Talk #5 - How do I create a healthy family from in here?
Talk #6 - What now?
Retreat Based on Forgiveness
Talk #1 - The task
Talk #2 - Our attitude
Talk #3 - Do I want to change?
Talk #4 - Facing buried secrets
Talk #5 - Lingering animosities
Talk #6 - Waiting for grace
Retreat Based on Discipleship
Talk #1 - Discipleship
Talk #2 - Disciples understand the importance of living a Christian life
Talk #3 - Discipleship means to obey God
Talk #4 - Discipleship means to serve others
Talk #5 - Disciples create disciples
Retreat Based on Shame
Talk #1 - Shame
Talk #2 - Guilt vs. Shame
Talk #3 - Meditation on Jesus and shame
Talk #4 - The shame of denial
Talk #5 - Healing grace
Talk #6 - Creating a safe place
Talk #7 - Meditation
Retreat Based on C.A.K.E.
Talk #1 - The "C" in C.A.K.E.
Talk #2 - The "A" in C.A.K.E.
Talk #3 - The "K" in C.A.K.E.
Talk #4 - Be Encouraged
Talk #5 - Wrap Up
Retreat Based on 1 Corinthians 13
Talk #1 - God is love and love is the evidence that God is in our life
Talk #2 - Love is patient
Talk #3 - Love is kind
Talk #4 - Love does not envy, love does not boast
Talk #5 - Love is not proud, it is not selfish
Talk #6 - Love is not easily angered
Talk #7 - The greatest of these is love
Retreat Based on the Church
Talk #1 - How We View the Church
Talk #2 - Why We Withdraw from Others
Talk #3 - Ways That We Build Walls
Talk #4 - Afraid to Let Go of Our Isolation
Talk #5 - God's Answer to Our Isolation
Talk #6 - What is the Church?
Talk #7 - "Being" the Church
Talk #8 - Christian Community
Retreat Based on Anger
Anger Retreat Introduction
Talk #1 - The Root of Anger
Talk #2 - Control of Anger
Talk # 3 - Our Words
Talk #4 - Clergy Mediation
Talk #5 - Having the Mind of Christ
Talk #6 - Christ's Love vs. Anger
Talk #7 - Clergy Meditation
Anger Discussion Questions
Retreat Based on Broken Crayons
Broken Crayons Retreat Introduction
Talk #1 - Our Brokeness Allows God to be Strong
Talk #2 - God is Worthy to be Trusted
Talk # 3 - But I am Broken and Can't
Talk #4 - Jesus the Picture of Brokeness on the Cross
Talk #5 - Maybe...God Wants Us Broken
Talk #6 - Leader's Conclusion